Friday, March 30, 2012

March 27th - 30th, 2012

Ever just have one of those days where you crash headfirst into the pillow? On the 27th, Bootstrap did.

Daniel and I looked over, and this is how he was sleeping. Like he had an incredibly long day and just couldn't keep his head up anymore. You would think he spent his day harvesting wheat in the fields, when in reality he spent the day sleeping and occasionally waking up to eat.

On the 28th we got a disturbing treat bag.

This dog looks either deranged or close to death. I don't know why he became the spokesperson of this particular treat bag, but we bought it anyway. I hope it doesn't have the same effect on Barnacle.

 I made so many cookies a couple days ago. Some to send to a friend, and some for home. I got about 3 bites of a cookie, on the 29th this is what was left.

Daniel is a cookie-eating machine. Being on weight watchers (again- maybe it'll stick this time) I only ate very little, and hoped he would eat most of the cookies I made. But, damn. These cookies lasted like 2 days.

Finally, today!

"Can we play video games, mom???"

Not much more to say about that.

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