On the 18th, Bootstrap was running around like a freak, as per usual. He was jumping across my chest, racing around the room, and attempting to play-bite my arm, all while I laid in bed, not quite ready to get up. So, I did what anyone would do, I cocooned him in the comforter.
Now, I'm not sure if it was the blanket or the arrival of the ghost, but one way or another, Bootstrap immediately calmed down, started purring, and went to sleep. Perhaps the ghost is the demon spirit leaving his body as it was exorcised.
On the 19th, Bootstrap picked yet another strange place to sleep.
I was getting settled into bed when Daniel motioned me to join him in the bathroom. I crossed my fingers that I wasn't about to witness an impressive bowel movement he had to share and walked in. Instead of feces, I saw this. Bootstrap in the sink. I don't know why he was laying in it, but I did know that I had to document it. So, here it is. I have the weirdest cat on the planet.
On the 20th I noticed a bruise.
It's hard to see in the picture, but it's between my thumb and pointer finger. You can sort of see the shadow, and of course the reason behind the bruise is standing in the background, looking innocent. Barnacle was such a pain in the ass on our walk that his leash burst blood vessels in my hand. What a dick. Don't believe those droopy hound eyes.
Yesterday, I walked out of work to this end of day greeting.
A full rainbow. Second one in a little over a week. This time I think it was celebrating my ending the workday.
Today! Another rainbow!
This one I saw while on a walk with Barnacle, I think this rainbow was celebrating the fact that he was not bruising the shit out of my hand. Gentle Leaders are amazing, guys.
Also, I love that rainbows are so prevalent right now. I hope it's a good sign. Either way, they're pretty.
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