Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31st, 2012

I ended May with a vomit-filled bang which led to this picture.

I had a very long day. I started full time today, meaning I had to be an adult and work from 8-4:30. The problem is that I worked until 10:30 last night and thus got very little sleep. So, it was a long day. My husband and I went grocery shopping after work and that was all fine. We were in a rather good mood even after dealing with the hell that is the commissary.

We walked in the door, laden with bags, to find at least 6 piles of dog puke all over the apartment. I don't know what Barnacle got into, but it made him sick. It's probably from when he eats grass and leaves outside like an idiot. He has been puking on and off for a good three hours. My husband left for work two hours ago, so I have been doing the bulk of the cleaning.

Now, I wasn't going to have wine tonight, but after the 10th vomit pile I just said "fuck it." (I'd use more pristine language, but I've cleaned up about 300 vomit piles tonight).

Needless to say, a vet visit is more than likely in Barnacle's near future. He is not allowed to eat or drink for at least 12 hours because he threw up a huge pile of water about 30 minutes ago. I want to go to sleep but I'm afraid I'll wake up to a vomit filled crate. Which, let's face it, I probably will.

I've had enough bodily fluids for one day.

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