Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 19th - 21st, 2012

It's a cat-centric post, guys. Please, get very excited.

Lately Bootstrap has gone back to his attention-needing self. For awhile, when he was sick and getting used to Admiral, he was not as affectionate. However, in the past few days that has changed.

Exhibit A: he is trying to hold my hand.

Yeah he is, guys, you don't know what you're talking about.

On the 20th, Bootstrap snuggled with someone else. Like a dick.

100% not staged. The lorve each other.

Further prove of the lorve! Today!

They yin each others yang.

They do, however, have a love-hate relationship.

Daniel had to move them in order to avoid property damage - they were wrestling on the TV stand and were about to lay waste to our flat screen TV - I know, we're fancy.

Anyway, he had to move them to their room so they could finish their grudge match, and on the way they kept the battle going.

Does everyone have crazy pets or did I just get lucky?

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