Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 19th - 21st, 2012

It has been hot as a bitch here lately. I know, I know, rest of the world "it's been 100 degrees every day here! Waaaaaaaah!" Well, try having the 100 degrees with no A/C, ANYWHERE. Not even at the dentist's office. Yeah. So, it sucks when it's that hot here, it's unbearably uncomfortable, and even the cats are feeling the pain.

I have been finding Bootstrap lazing around the house in very random places, for instance, this chair. Bootstrap usually sticks to his recliner or the bed, but lately it's been the kitchen chair, the counter, the tv stand, the floor. I think he's trying to find somewhere, Anywhere, that is cool. Good luck, buddy, 'cause so am I.

On the 20th we took pity on Barnacle.

We gave him a cold shower to cool him down. Again, he could not get out of the tub and Daniel had to wrangle him over the side. Dopey 100 pound dog.

Today, Admiral proved that one man's trash is another kitten's plaything.

Case in point: Admiral playing with a bit of fluff which Barnacle so helpfully pulled out of his pillow. While I cleaned up most of it, Admiral managed to scrape up a piece to bat around his playroom. Yes, the cats have their own room. I hear you laughing, you jerks.

Finally, Barnacle being weird.

He likes to lay beneath my legs, like I'm going to protect him from the wicked witch.

Don't worry, buddy, I got your back.

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