Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 26th & 27th, 2012

Yesterday I spent my night watching TV; such a break from the norm for me. Anyway, Bootstrap picked last night to be super clingy and needy. Every time I sat down he climbed into my lap. One time when he started to make the climb, I put my hand up to stop him, and this is how that went down.

I'm a sucker. A big, fat sucker.

This morning I woke up to this:


It's slightly unbelievable that it's snowing considering it isn't even November yet and I was expecting to feel annoyed at this occurrence. I looked at the weather report and knew it was coming and I felt a little miffed. We've mostly skipped fall - we had a couple of weeks of cool weather but mostly it's been plain cold. But, rather than being struck by irritability this morning, I felt that giddy kid feeling at the sight of snow. I don't really know what it is about it, but I love snow. Toward the end of winter it starts to turn me into a crotchety old lady, but the first snow of the season is always exciting. It doesn't really get annoying until January. I will say, however, that the best snow happens at night, it makes everything quiet and peaceful. I look forward to the first night snow.

For Barnacle, snow is Always exciting. This morning he literally moaned until we took him outside. He might have had to pee really bad, but as soon as he saw snow he went into hound overdrive, sniffing every inch of it so as to divine its chemical elements.

He's a very goofy dog, and he lorves snow like nobody's business.

So do I, actually.

I also love Daniel's jacket and now have to endeavor to get a new one for myself. I have come to the realization that wool coats really bug me and are uncomfortable.

Finally, it was Admiral's first snow, too.

And he is fascinated. As are we all. Except for Daniel, who grunted when he saw the snow.


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