Friday, January 13, 2012

January 12th & 13th, 2012

Brace yourselves, this post has a Jeff Goldblum sighting. Ok, are you sufficiently excited? Are you dying? Are you SO jealous?!?!

I saw him on the 12th.

He was flying around the hotel and landed on the security camera out back.

Man, I think I just heard collective dreams being broken.

But, it's ok, because I'm pretty sure it was him, you can believe it or not. But, I'm pretty sure I heard his halting speech emanating from the security camera, because of course I went down to look. I'm touched that he decided to visit me in Germany. I miss him so.

Anyway, enough of the Goldblum reunion.

The 13th was just another day of Ansbach weather.

It's important to note: no snow was forecasted on this particular day. I have learned that weather forecasts here are even less reliable than in Chicago, and that is shocking.

I think in the past two weeks we have experienced hellish winter, mild fall, and sunny spring. It's weird guys, I don't know what wardrobe would suit it best.

What the hell am I talking about? Yoga pants go with any weather.

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