My first post of the new year is on the second day of the year, not the best starting off point but it's better than the third month of the year, right? It would appear that the new year is starting off with a bit of ennui over here in Germany, at least for me. Feeling isolated and fat can do wonders for working up a depression. Anyway, I'll try to snap out of it, try, but I don't know how hard.
In case you were noticing the slight change in title of this blog, besides the year, you'll see that this year it's aptly named "Project 366 2012" 'cause this year is a leap year. That's right my faithful reader(s), you get an extra picture this year, what an outstanding bonus.
I'm sure you'll be panting for that pictorial bonus after seeing that I'm starting the year off with a picture of a cat. This might be a sad beginning if it were a picture of a cat in a tutu or a hat or in some other cutesy and sickening fashion, but my cat is a crazy freak who lends himself to many photo opportunities and almost none of them involve tutus, almost none.
Honestly, I should've known better than to leave a cabinet open for longer than thirty seconds. One minute I saw the cat on the floor, following me around like a shadow as usual, the next he disappeared like smoke. I didn't have to look long to discover his hiding place, the open cabinet door tipped me off.
It wasn't easy getting him out of the cabinet, though. As you can see it's deep enough to have rolling counter-tops inside, and once he figured out he could hop off those rolling counter-tops to evade me he was pretty hard to snatch. Basically, I had to pull a Stretch Armstrong and make my limbs longer than humanly possible to even reach him. But, eventually I wrangled him out, getting a few nice scratches on the way.
Tomorrow (or today) I will try to take a picture without an animal in it. I'll try, but I don't know how hard.
I also promise this blog won't be entirely devoted to my animals. Not entirely. I'll try to be more interesting. I'll try, but I don't know how hard.
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