A daily issue in our house is the dishwasher. Not so much that it doesn't get run, Daniel's very good about that, it's just sometimes I can't tell if it's clean or dirty because Daniel pre-washes all the dishes like a weirdo. So, I came up with a system on the 26th which I may have subconsciously stolen from my sister.
However, I maintain independence from complete plagiarism because my system has a post-it and hers does not. You buyin' that?
On the 27th someone delivered a ridiculous calendar to my boss.
The bird one. I put the normal sized calendar next to it so you could take in how ridiculously oversized this calendar is. Plus, it has birds in it. I don't like birds, they freak me out. In general I do not like things that can fly in my face. I'm lookin' at you, butterflies.
Seriously though, fuck butterflies, I hate them.
Last night, on the 28th, I went to get Chinese food and stumbled onto this.
The Christmas Market is open in downtown Ansbach! I didn't have a chance to shop, but I did enjoy looking around. This is one thing I will actually miss when we leave Germany, and that is saying something.
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