Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 24th - 28th, 2012

Daniel and I decided to be nice and get Barnacle a new bed. We don't buy him beds because he rips them apart and we end up cleaning fluff off the floor for weeks. But, I guess we just broke down while watching him sleep on a ripped apart blanket (which is his own doing).

We bought it for Barnacle, but Bootstrap gets the most use out of it. I think I've seen Barnacle on it about 4 times. I have found Bootstrap sleeping on it every day since we got it.

On the 25th I discovered that Admiral has a strange fetish.

He eats plastic. Since taking this picture I have seen him attempt to eat many plastic things including a couple more wrappers and a mini reeses bag. I have also seen him eat quite a bit of dog food. He's a very weird cat.

At work, I have been thrown into the land of temptation.

This pumpkin bucket has been planted on my desk. In it is a lot of chocolate. Normally I'm not a huge sweets person, but if you put a giant pumpkin filled with mini reeses on my desk I'm going to eat them. In fact, I recently had to replenish the reeses because I ate them all.

Damn Halloween.

Lately I have realized the leaves are changing colors. I always mean to take a picture of a tree that looks like it's on fire (red) but I always end up forgetting. So, on the 27th I took a picture outside my window.

Not the best depiction of fall but I'll try to do better.

Finally, yesterday, the 28th, I realized I love my husband sooooo much.

It's not every man who would let you photograph a moment like this. I'm not going to say he'd endorse my publishing it on the internet, but I don't think he'll throw a fit about it either. More likely he will go find Bootstrap and have a cuddle session over it.

P.S. this moment is not even a tiny bit staged.

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