Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 12th, 2012

Today I went grocery shopping by myself, which has it's positives and negatives. The biggest negative is that I had to carry all the crap up the stairs by myself. But, on the positive side, I got to buy my husband hilarious food he wouldn't have let me get if he were there.

It was either this or regular chicken nuggets, and seriously, where's the fun in normal nuggets? So, I bought creepy whales and dolphin shaped nuggets, which I find hilarious.

When I see this bag I think of the nuggets as soggy somehow, but then I realize, you don't eat them from the sea, they just look like they come from the sea. You know, if sea creatures were battered and made of chicken.

Though, I guess it's better than chicken shaped chicken nuggets, that would just be creepy. Also kind of hilarious. Shit, I should get on this idea.

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