Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 3rd - 5th, 2012

Today's post is all about Bootstrap. But, what else is new?

So, on the 3rd, he was being cute.

See? When he's sleeping he's cute. When he's awake he's frequently running around the house like a damn freak.

On the 4th, there's an example of Bootstrap's assery.

Basically, Bootstrap likes to sit in the tub and knock shit off all the ledges. He has also knocked razors off the bathtub and onto the floor, so that Barnacle can find them later and chew them up, but thankfully not swallow them. See also: reasons I need a shower organizer.

Finally, the 5th is all about Barnacle's jealousy.

Bootstrap sometimes decides he needs to snuggle on my lap, and then Barnacle decides to pout. I swear, these animals are seriously like children, except if I put either in a stroller I would definitely be the crazy pet lady.

Even more than I already am.

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